- Educative on technological paradigm shifts: educative.io
- Wikipedia on the Gartner Hype Cycle: en.wikipedia.org
- The Australian on the future of tech and innovation: theaustralian.com.au
- Financial Times on AI and R&D revolution: ft.com
- MIT Sloan Review on cross-disciplinary innovation: sloanreview.mit.edu
- Financial Times on the importance of sustainable scaling: ft.com
- Singularity Hub on tech’s biggest leaps: singularityhub.com
- The Australian on scaling innovation to stay competitive: theaustralian.com.au
- Wikipedia on AI boom and milestones: en.wikipedia.org
- KPMG report on generative AI: kpmg.com
- B-Eye article on AI ecosystem advancements: b-eye.com
- New York Post on creators earning with AI: nypost.com
- The Times on AI efficiency in caregiving: thetimes.co.uk
- Oliver Wyman Forum on AI's economic impact: oliverwymanforum.com
- SecureWorld on human-AI collaboration: secureworld.io
- Finextra on the evolution of AI interaction: finextra.com
- The Times on AI's impact on competition: thetimes.co.uk
- Business Insider on banks using AI: businessinsider.com
- Harvard Online on generative AI in healthcare: harvardonline.harvard.edu
- The Australian on AI ethics and challenges: theaustralian.com.au
- Forbes on the future impact of AI: forbes.com
- The Verge on VR and AR headsets: theverge.com
- Statista on wearable technology trends: statista.com
- Lifewire on AR glasses and Snap Spectacles: lifewire.com
- Financial Times on the state of wearables: ft.com
- Coolest Gadgets on audio wearable statistics: coolest-gadgets.com
- Markets and Markets on AR and wearable industries: marketsandmarkets.com
- The Atlantic on future AR technologies: theatlantic.com
- Novosound on wearable health device challenges: novosound.net
- ITIF on policy recommendations for wearables: itif.org
- Google Glass Enterprise discontinuation: 9to5google.com
- Hands-on with Meta Orion AR glasses: theverge.com
- Meta's Orion glasses as a tool for big-tech dominance: nypost.com
- The Atlantic on Meta Orion smart glasses: theatlantic.com
- W3C on Web Standards
- W3C on the Web’s Mission
- MDN Web Docs on Web Standards
- Progressive Web Apps Guide
- MarsDevs on PWA Adoption and Impact
- Techovedas on SOC Design: techovedas.com
- Financial Times on ARM and AI investments: ft.com
- Simply Mac on Apple M-series chips: simplymac.com
- Design & Reuse on AI in SOCs: design-reuse.com
- InsemiTech on AI and Machine Learning in SOCs: insemitech.com
- Linear Microsystems on SOCs in the Electronics Industry: linearmicrosystems.com
- Apple Scoop on Apple's SOC advancements: applescoop.org
- TechInsights on SOC Innovation: techinsights.com
- Barron’s on SOC supply chain issues: barrons.com
- Apple’s Ecosystem Lock-In: geeksmodo.com
- Google Accuses Apple of iMessage Lock-In: digitaltrends.com
- Apple and Google Plans to Eliminate Passwords: fastcompany.com
- Google Maps Dominates Local Search: thatcompany.com
- Understanding Google’s Local Search Algorithm: semrush.com
- Google Maps AI Integration: apnews.com
- Apple’s AI Developments in Search: businessinsider.com
- Google’s Antitrust Defeat: time.com
- Digital Dominance: The Power of Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Apple: books.google.com
- The Evolution of Digital Dominance: How and Why We Got to GAFA: lbsresearch.london.edu
- OAuth vs OpenID Connect: proxify.io
- SAML vs OAuth vs OpenID: wallarm.com
- Digital Markets Act Overview: en.wikipedia.org
- Apple exec lists reasons for not building a search engine: businessinsider.com
- Apple Pay: 10 years later: theverge.com
- Replacing Passwords with Passkeys: apnews.com
- Will Google Be Broken Up?: ft.com
- The EU's and the US' Fight Against Digital Giants: lemonde.fr
- Algorithmic Social Media Feeds: umatechnology.org
- Short-Form Video Content: forbes.com
- Social Media Algorithms and User Experience: scottgraffius.com
- Dominance of Short-Form Videos: blog.wiraa.com
- Impact of Social Media Algorithms on Content Visibility: content-whale.com
- Short-Form Video Revolution in Marketing: ceotodaymagazine.com
- Understanding Social Media Algorithms: reputationsciences.com
- Evolution of Short-Form Video Platforms: socialnomics.net
- Social Media Algorithms and Engagement Rates: orbicreatives.com
- Ascent of Short-Form Video Content: whitebeardstrategies.com
- Google Maps Market Share and User Statistics: expertbeacon.com
- AI Integration in Google Maps: analyticsvidhya.com
- Generative AI in Google Maps: analyticsvidhya.com
- Google Maps' AI-Powered Updates: allaboutai.com
- Google Maps' Integration of Gemini AI: reuters.com
- Google Maps' AI Enhancements for Local Exploration: digitaldefynd.com
- Google Maps' AI-Powered Local Recommendations: tseg.com
- Google Maps' AI Features for Enhanced Navigation: favtutor.com
- Google Maps' AI Integration for Real-Time Navigation: digitaldefynd.com
- Google Maps' AI-Powered Search and Discovery: singlegrain.com
- TikTok's User Engagement and Growth: joingenius.com
- YouTube's Position as a Leading Search Engine: open.library.okstate.edu
- Average Time Spent on TikTok: searchlogistics.com
- TikTok's Popularity Among Younger Generations: vidico.com
- TikTok's Role in Influencing Consumer Behavior: voguebusiness.com
- TikTok's Impact on the Fashion Industry: voguebusiness.com
- TikTok's Expansion into Secondhand Luxury Market: voguebusiness.com
- TikTok's Influence on Travel Planning: cntraveler.com
- Global Innovation Index 2024: wipo.int
- "How to Factor Geopolitical Risk into Technology Strategy": ey.com
- "The Impact of Geopolitical Conflicts on Trade, Growth, and Innovation": cepr.org
- "Geopolitical Tensions and Innovation": papers.ssrn.com
- "The Technological Pivot of History: Power in the Age of Exponential Innovation": fpri.org
- "US Ahead in AI Innovation, Easily Surpassing China in Stanford's New Ranking": apnews.com
- "Authoritarian Countries Have a Built-in Competitive Advantage When It Comes to AI Development": lemonde.fr
- "Why America's Economy Is Soaring Ahead of Its Rivals": ft.com